Engineering model, modified-rev 6, unit has updated board installed-RP282 to RP583, dynamic eq bias/channel tracking within +/-2dB, assymetrical RMS/detector circuit installed, logarithmic slope detection, PS modifications/head room and noise mod. Calibrated +/- 1db channel to channel. Too much to list, call for details.
Tube Stereo Compressor, rev. 4. Designed to accomodate +14 to +24db operation. Matched Vactrol. Basic update for improved tube gain/noise. Improved Vactrol circuit and matched channels. Improved threshold, range compressor. Change of design to cathode feedback dynamic bias / tube harmonic. Engineering Sample (#9 condition). Volume levelling compressor (brings volume up, matched tubes).
Heavily modified by Vince. 7 new switches, overdrive control, combo mic pre/comp/eq with many added features. Low noise high gain tube modification. 2 Band Bass/Treble. Front panel paid gain/phase switch. Tape saturation control. Smooth fast compression switch. High gain / bright switch. Power supply ground mod. Transformer EQ optical mod. This is the cats meow! Call for details 617-926-8020. Top flight cosmetic condition #8 with just a tiny bit of rack rash.
Vinc -Audio Pro Modified for enhanced, adjustable tube dynamics with controls on front panel. Stereo tube compressor XLR or phone in/out, -10/+4dBm switchable, Extremely accurate calibration; channel to channel is only +/- 1dB over 60dB range of operation. Also installed highest quality Behringer OT-1 output transformer. This unit has tube harmonic equalizer circuit installed, does variable 2nd harmonic adjustments. (is our shop engineering sample for variable true tube harmonic equalizer effect). #9 Excellent condition, no box, unit warrantied.
Tube mic preamp/compressor/equalizer. AUDIO PRO MODIFIED: Tube Harmonic T.H.E. Bias control transformer in Vactrol EQ Mod. Highly recommended, Super noise spec machine! QC, Test All. #10 new in box
Re: International Shipping: We ship internationally often and have yet to encounter a problem or complaint. We are very careful to test the equipment before it’s packed and then to double box the machine with added protection when needed for front panels, etc. We are not amateurs or an ebay store; we know these machines very well and know what it takes to get them to you safely. We use USPS priority internationally which seems to be the cheapest. If you prefer another carrier (you should know who delivers to your area reliably) please let us know. Also please be aware of any tariffs that you may be responsible for upon pick up on your end. International shipping may be expensive but we will make sure it is not a headache on top of the cost. PLEASE NOTE THAT SHIPPING INTERNATIONALLY WILL BE A MINIMUM OF $16 EVEN FOR SMALL PARTS.
Quad compressor/limiter. 4 chan (2 linkable in pairs) comp/limiter. Lo-pass filter, sweepable 20hz-20khz. Compand, threshold, ratio, gain, attack, release, and limit knobs. Optical, link 1/2 (3/4), auto and bypass switches. 10-led metering of gain reduction. XLR and 1/4" in/out with side chain input. Nice performance, good build quality! #9 condition with some minor rack rash. With manual.
Eight channel analog controlled dynamic processor, full function compressor and noise gate. Excellent #9 condition, one knob missing to be replaced with nonoriginal. Professionally cleaned, serviced, and tested.
Stereo/2-chan compressor/limiter/noise gate. High spec spectral noise gates. Balanced XLR in/out, balanced 1/4" in/out with side chain. All controls and switches cleaned, all functions check ok! With Manual. #9 condition, minor rack rash.
Stereo tube compressor. Super spec noise and calibration unit with minor AP-modifications of critical tube selection and internal calibration to allow "warmth control" to create in phase or out of phase perfect second harmonics of .2 to 1%. (Warmth meter will now read lower than original.) Noise mod in power supply. Excellent condition.
Unit has super spec controls. Two channels of expander/gate and compressor/limiter. Two 12AX7 tubes to add harmonic character. Both channels track within 0.5 db of each other! Up to 60db range of compression. Modified for more pleasing 2nd order harmonic enhanced sound. Demo unit, with box, packing and manual. Please call for details.
Limiter Compressor, 2 ch. Slave switch/external detector, RF earthing cap, minor upgrades, excellent condition. #9 Unit with Valley People VCA Modules---NPW Probably SOLD Similar unit available
We are a very different kind of shop. To help ensure a smoother experience please read our letter about our current shop policies.
Limiter, Ducker 2 channel, true balanced IC socketed op amp design. Uses Valley People VCA modules. Calibrated. Low use unit from Shop owners studio, No Rack Rash. #9 condition
Demo, compressor/limiter/expander/gate, 2 channel, XLR and 1/4" ins and outs, original like new, better built, better performance, excellent high accuracy compressor, channel matching for tracking is superb
Units vary in retail cost due to condition. Real nice, modified, low use units get more money. The simple fact is this era design compressor is the same as the DBX XT !! But I modify many designs with more R.F.I. suppression and less R.M.S. detector noise getting into the audio V.C.A. (check the internet if not familiar with the abbreviations) Simply put, mods make a slightly cleaner, better accuracy and control of compression of the audio signals. This is done to accommodate today's higher quality signals from microphones and the intense dynamics in modern music.
**We want to be your Behringer dealer! After being among first to champion this great manufacturer, we are offering our most competitive pricing to be your Behringer supplier.**
Compressor and noise gate pair mounted together in rack. Very good #8+ condition with many tiny minor scratches on ears and face.
Dual compressor, expander gate w/ compressor limit threshold output level, uses Valley People VCA modules, phone in and out, process loop in and out, new control installed.
Composer Compressor, Has upgrade RMS detector mods. Super Low noise P.S. mods. Channel matching/compression calibration. Call for Details.
2 channel Compressor, one of the best. Modified P.S ground and shields on VCA, with Rack ears. Super high spec Calibration. Low use, all cleaned and calibrated. #9 condition +- .5db over 80 db range compression
Customers outside of the US, please note that international shipping can be costly (US Post $16 minimum - up to 8oz or 226g). We are glad to combine orders to reduce shipping costs. Take a look at our shipping policies for more information and estimates of prices and shipping time.
500 series format plug in. Top quality vactrol design. 10 (new) condition.
"Really Nice Compressor," with controls for threshold, ratio, attack, release, and gain. Bypass and "super nice" switches. The RMS digital detector circuit in this unit causes chattering and gulging noise in the audio, especially at low threshold settings. We modified the circuit to improve the audio quality and give the threshold control better range. Unit is now more accurate, releases fast and consistently, and compressed voice of instruments is cleaner and more detailed with subtle dynamics. Like new condition, with power supply and manual.
Excellent mint condition as new, with original box, packing, and manual. Great multifunction 2 channel gate, excellent spec.
Vacuum Tube Processor, 2 channels, Gate/Expander, Comp/Limiter and Warmth controls, Ultra-low noise, QC check ok: all switches match with 1db on both channels
This is the older, more well built version compressor, actually a DBX 166 or 160x design (licensed to Behringer), with all controls and switches done better. I also correct a design flaw in these units (there is some sonic distortion and crosstalk of the controlling voltages into the VCA) and improve the power supply decoupling. Vince personally uses one of these units in his synth studio for final mix.
2 Channel Vactrol/ tube leveling amp, 2 TRS inputs/outputs, 2 XLR inputs/outputs, threshold, ratio, output controls, complete service, power supply mod 35V caps #9+ condition
We leave "SOLD" items on our website for machines that we often repair and provide parts for. This is to give you an idea of the products we typically carry, and direct you to alternatives you may not know about - we often have substitutes for out-of-stock parts, and are happy to recommend workarounds and different solutions to common problems.
Compressor, new in box, stereo comp, gate, limiter, de-esser, very similar to the Behringer Composer
New in box! This unit functions as a compressor, limiter, and deesser. Input level, output level, attack, release, and compression ratio controls. Overload indicator, gain reduction meter, and pilot light. Professionally cleaned, serviced, and calibrated.