Please complete the form as best as possible, leaving anything you don’t know blank and then call us directly at 617-926-8020 (weekdays 12 noon to 7pm, except Tuesdays) with this form in hand, ready to take notes as our shop owner Vince will provide additional pertinent information regarding diagnostic fees, estimated total service costs and scheduling.
Having this information really helps to solve problems in today’s era, in some cases people are incorrectly using their machines because of another fault or worse yet have misdiagnosed their own problems. Vince has been in business for 45 years, he has seen it all and knows how to figure it out.
Thank you for understanding of our need for this intake form. Knowing the age and use-time of a product will allow us to inform you if other maintenance or updates are required to make the unit as reliable as possible. In order to do our best work we have to schedule units accordingly and manage what we have in the shop.
Nothing can be accepted into the shop without a fully filled out Service Intake Form
* Note for customers shipping in from out of state especially APT 1 power amp or Apt Holman preamp: