Heavy duty AC transformer isolation for studio or super audiophile setup. Regulated power supply, weighs about sixty pounds. 240v to 120vAC, IEEE STD 587-1980 CAT A & B ring rated, reference earth ground, four 16amp 120v outputs, one 16amp 240v output. Excellent condition, low use time.
725-2815. 120V 60hz input. 4 output at 8.33 amps. In: 95-130VAC. High quality, super AC line noise filter, surge suppressor. For music studio or audiophile HIFI systems. Low use time. Typical scratches around chassis.
With meter for 120V display. 10 AC outlets. Incredible multi stage RFI and surge protectors. Low use. Condition 9.
DJ-8 power supply for Marshall V77 mic, with AP upgraded power transformer, ground lift, RFI suppression, lock washer grounds, and ruggedized board connections. Excellent condition.
Line conditioner. +20/-19% range. 45-70hz input. 17 amp max output. 2 AC outlets, circuit breaker. Designed to correct high, low line AC. Current problem always regulates to 120VAC. From low use consumer studio. #8+
Please be aware there is a minimum $4-$6 to ship any part. International orders will be $14-$16 to ship for anything larger than an envelope. Shipping costs are non negotiable, so please, PLEASE do not ask for a part, or for us to search for, or quantify a part if you cannot pay for the shipping.
1 rack. AC line filter. Sequences turn on. #9 condition. LIKE NEW!
battery for Samson Expedition powered speakers, sn: R10K1758 (A.P. RX)
with AP custom modification improvements: better RFI protection and upgraded power supply. Very good condition.
Power supply for Marshall V77 tube mic with AudioPro modifications for RFI protection and PS improvements. Very good condition.
Audio Timer for turning stereo components on and off. AC voltage selector 120-240, Line frequency 50-60hz, 24 hour flourescent display, AC outlet indicator, Switching condition indicator (on, off, auto), Time forward and backward controls, Function Selector (hold, adjust, present time, timer set on, timer set off, sleep set.
With small size female 6-pin connector for Stage Mix mixers only. Single rack space, encapsulated power supply design, all serviced and tested. Very good #8 condition.
Please be aware there is a minimum $4-$6 to ship any part. International orders will be $14-$16 to ship for anything larger than an envelope. Shipping costs are non negotiable, so please, PLEASE do not ask for a part, or for us to search for, or quantify a part if you cannot pay for the shipping.
8 outlets on the back, 1 rack U, lights, high volts protect, very high quality unit. condition #9+
Modified to be +48Vdc. With XLR type power connector. Pin 1=ground, pin 3=+48VDC. Unit may not be DB systems supply. Small 5x3 box with long XLR power cable.
100-240v AC input, 10v DC 1.4A output. Excellent condition.
48 volt, 2 channels, AP-modified with updated capacitors.
8 switches for A/C 120Volt power. Well built design. 1 rack space. Condition #10
low voltage regulator with spike bar noise and spike suppression, auto line correction to 120 volts, four grounded high quality plug receptacles, condition #9
All Remotes are now 25% off or Free Shipping!!! (Reel to Reel remotes excluded).
Power supply for Marshall V77 tube mic. With AC cord. Audio Proz modified. RFI and PS tested OK.
Single rack space, twelve outlets (six front, six rear).
transient voltage surge suppressor. 10 socket AC Line conditioner.2 3" bar design, black 2 "F" conn ins & out 1 phone line in/out. Condition #9
with 24vAC power supply. Very good #8 condition with top label peeling. XLR connectors ruggedized by AP.
Step down AC power transformer, 220v to 100v, with 220 plug to 110 AC plug. Euro design from the 1980's. Measures about 7"x4". Low use, with some cosmetic stains.
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Please be aware that there is a minimum $4-$6 to ship any part.
500 watt step/up step/down power converter, Input: 110v - 240v. Output 110v - 220v. All functions tested, strengthened both 110/220 connectors
Power supply with harness cable attached only. Used good condition (upgrade capacitors) (Salvage Unit) 9/10