Sep 12th, 2015
A little bit of advice on old analogue equipment: controls like knobs and switches are mechanical devices in themselves and so require some specific care. These parts operate on metal (usually carbon) runners which can wear and corrode. Whenever working on a machine, we thoroughly clean and lubricate the controls, often 2 to 3 times over until clean. They can be difficult to successfully clean on some old equipment such as tube designs or even more recent machines that come from a smoky or moist environment (even proximity to major highways where there is a higher concentration of sulfur oxide and carbon oxides). These conditions can be more corrosive or staining to metal switch parts, making cleaning difficult but absolutely crucial. After returning a serviced unit to a customer, the cleaners remain active for about 2 weeks, so we recommend the controls be exercised occasionally to work in the cleaner. In general it is a good rule of thumb to exercise these controls at least once every 2 or 3 months just to keep the contact buffed.
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